The results are in for the Arizona Department of Transportation’s second Name-A-Snowplow Contest and Arizonans have chosen some humorous and creative names.
After tabulating more than 9,500 votes, the winning snowplow names are:
- “Snowbi-Wan Kenobi”
- “Fast and Flurryous”
- “Scoopacabra”
These winners beat out seven other finalists in the Name-A-Snowplow Contest, and the names have been placed on the driver’s side of three of ADOT’s snowplows. These three snowplows are stationed at an ADOT maintenance yard in Mesa and have been out clearing ice and snow along State Route 87 between Mesa and Payson this winter season. During other seasons, the plow blade is removed and the trucks are used in a variety of ways.
Arizonans in mid-January submitted around 3,400 names in the first phase of the Name-A-Snowplow Contest. Eleven people submitted variations of the name “Snowbi-Wan Kenobi,” 11 people submitted “Fast and Flurryous” and two people submitted “Scoopacabra.”
“Snowbi-Wan Kenobi,” “Fast and Flurryous,” and “Scoopacabra” join last season’s winners “Alice Scooper,” “Snowguaro” and “Frost Responder.”
ADOT has 200 snowplows and 400 operators who work around the clock to lay down deicer and clear highways of ice and snow when winter storms hit. ADOT’s snowplow operators have been out for each winter storm this season, helping keep the traveling public safe.
And remember, if you encounter snowplows on highways:
- Never attempt to pass a snowplow.
- Stay at least four car-lengths behind snowplows and equipment. Plowed snow can create a cloud that reduces visibility.
- Slow down and give the plow extra room.
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