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Home » Oscar Mayer to Introduce Meatless Hot Dogs for the First Time in 140 Years

Oscar Mayer to Introduce Meatless Hot Dogs for the First Time in 140 Years

by Pleasant View

For 140 years, Oscar Mayer has been producing hot dogs that have always contained meat. However, the brand is making a change.

On Wednesday, Kraft Heinz, the parent company of the hot dog maker, revealed their plans to release a new range of plant-based hot dogs and sausages in stores. It is estimated that the market for plant-based meat substitutes is expected to grow from $8.3 billion in 2023 to $19 billion in 2030.

According to Kraft Heinz, the demand for plant-based hot dogs and dinner sausage links is not being met due to the lack of options that satisfy consumers’ preferences for taste and texture. These products are still considered to be in the early stages of development and are not widely consumed.

According to Kraft Heinz, the Oscar Mayer NotHotDogs and NotSausages will possess a “smoky, savory flavor, meat-like appearance, and substantial, succulent texture.”

Kraft Heinz’s objective is to produce delectable, vegan food options that are easily accessible to all. This includes both committed vegans and those who are interested in plant-based options. The company recognizes the demand for plant-based meat alternatives from trusted and familiar brands. By introducing their first product in the plant-based meat market through their joint venture, they aim to fulfill the desires of consumers while utilizing NotCo’s groundbreaking AI technology and leveraging the reputation, credibility, and heritage of the Oscar Mayer brand.

The Expo West event in Anaheim, California on March 12-16 will showcase the new line of Oscar Mayer products. According to the company, large retailers can expect to receive their shipments of these products later on in the year.

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In a survey conducted in 2022 by the Vegetarian Resource Group, it was found that 6% of adults in the United States identify as vegan or vegetarian. This percentage is higher than a previous survey in 2015, which showed that 3.4% of Americans stated they never consume meat. These results suggest a rising trend of individuals in America choosing to abstain from meat consumption.

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