The Arizona Department of Transportation will hold a virtual public meeting Wednesday, April 17, to provide updates and gather input about planned improvement projects along Loop 303 in the northwest Valley.
The projects, which include plans to build direct freeway-to-freeway ramps to connect Loop 303 and Interstate 17 in north Phoenix, are not funded for construction at this time.
The virtual meeting will allow attendees to learn more about ongoing design work and provide input to ADOT project team members. The meeting will be held as follows:
- When: 6 p.m. Wednesday, April 17
- Register to attend online at
Other future Loop 303 projects to be discussed during the meeting include the addition of a third travel lane in each direction between Lake Pleasant Parkway and I-17 as well as new freeway bridges to accommodate a planned interchange at 67th Avenue.
ADOT is working with the Maricopa Association of Governments, the cities of Peoria and Phoenix and the State Land Department in planning for the Loop 303 projects.
The April 17 virtual meeting will include a presentation as well as an opportunity for public questions and comments.
Following the meeting, the presentation will be available via the project website at